Nunca se olvide la gran esperanza y alegría que vienen de su bautismo
Lec # 21- Bautismo del Señor- 13 de enero de 2019- p. Bresowar
Hermanos y hermanas, como siempre, es bueno estar aquí con ustedes hoy para celebrar la última fiesta de la temporada de Navidad, el Bautismo de nuestro Señor.
Never Forget the Great Hope and Joy that Comes From Your Baptism
Lec # 21- Baptism of the Lord- Jan 13, 2019- Fr. Bresowar
Brothers and sisters, as always, it is good to be here with you today to celebrate the last feast of the Christmas season, the Baptism of our Lord.
Wisdom vs the World
Lec # 134- 25thSunday of OT- Sept 23rd, 2018- Fr.
Conditional Happiness vs Unending Joy
Lec # 8- 3rd Sunday of Advent- Dec 17, 2017- Fr. Bresowar
Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. During this season of preparation the Church gives us a special Sunday, denoted by the color of Rose, to reflect on the theme of joy.
You hit me, I hit you back. We both have failed.
Lec # 132- 24th Sun of OT- 17 Sept 2017- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sister,
No one that I know enjoys being hurt by another person. And yet so often we are hurt in some way, by words and by actions.
America, From the Puritan Foundation to Today
This Tuesday is July 4th, and our country will celebrate its 241st birthday. In the year 1776, the founding fathers of this country signed the declaration of Independence in the city of Philadelphia on the fourth of July. On that day, the United States of America was born.
Very Soon, Our Choice will be Finalized.
Lec # 94 – 12th Sunday of OT – June 25, 2017- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, it is very good to be here with you to celebrate the Holy Mass. Jesus Christ is Lord, He is God and King, He is our salvation and our only Hope. He is the prince of peace, the Lord of Lords.
We Owe Her an Apology too
Today we gaze upon the humility of God. Our relationship had been shattered when we sinned against him, so God fixes it by sending his only Son to die.
What an incredible humility.
Holy Thursday
Jesus asks his disciples, “Do you understand what I have done for you?”
He wasn’t just speaking about washing their feet. It was much more than that. He has overcome sin and open the gates of Heaven.
Like them, we don’t completely understand, which is why we need a reminder.
The Presentation of the Lord
My brothers and sisters, at this sacred Mass we are celebrating the special feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
Forty days after the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, with Jesus, presented themselves at the temple as was the custom under the Jewish Law.
The Battle to End Abortion starts at Home
Lec # 67- 3rd Sun of OT- Jan 22, 2017- Fr.
A Shepherd's Perspective
Lec # 13- The Nativity of the Lord- Dec 25th, 2016- Fr. Bresowar
Brothers and sisters,
Merry Christmas!
It is with great joy that we gather here this evening to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ in this holy mass.
How to properly receive the Christ Child into our Lives
Lec # 10- 4th Sun of Advent- Dec 18, 2016- Fr. Bresowar
Brothers and Sisters,
Christmas is almost here. As we have journeyed through this season of Advent we have been preparing for the birth of Jesus.
Rejoice! But how? All I want to do is despair!
Lec # 7- 3rd Sunday of Advent- Dec 7, 2016- Fr. Bresowar
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This weekend is a special weekend in the calendar of the Church.
Two Types of Sinners, Which are you? Jesus responds accordingly
As I stated at the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, Easter will mean so much more to us when and if we recognize how desperately we need a savior.
Sin destroys us; terrible are its effects.
Contrasting Peter's First and Last Reaction to Jesus
Lec # 75- 5th Sun of OT- Feb 7, 2016- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is good to be here with you today to celebrate this fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
As many of you are aware, the main goal of this life is not to be happy here, but to be happy in Heaven with God forever.
What Hope is There Outside of God's plan for Marriage and Family?
My brothers and sisters, this weekend we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
When we look to Jesus, Mary and Joseph we receive the best example of God’s plan for the human family.
All Saints Day
“We will be like Him. For we will see Him as He is.” – These are the words we hear from St. Paul in today’s epistle. What glorious words for us to reflect upon as we celebrate the Feast day of All the Saints in Heaven.
When we are in Heaven we will be like God.
All that Suffering, Why?
Lec # 146- 29th Sun of OT- Oct 18, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
“Can you drink the Cup that I am going to drink?” “Are you willing to do what I have to do?”
This is what our Lord asks James and John, sons of Zebedee, in the Gospel today.
Obstacles to Paradise
Lec # 143- 28th Sun of OT- October 11, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
There is a program on television that is called “Hoarders Family Secrets.” I’ve only seen a one or two episodes and I’m not even sure if it is still on television.
God's Plan for Marriage Is not Always Popular, but It is Perfect
Lec # 140- 27th Sun of OT- Oct 4, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
Today, and especially given the crisis that exist today in marriage and family, I am happy that the Church gave us these readings so that I can preach and teach about the nature of marriage and family.
Are you Happy all the time? You can be!
Lec # 134- 25 Sun of OT- Sept 20, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is good to be here with you once again to celebrate this holy Mass. This past week I went on retreat with my brother priests in Cullman Alabama.
Dealing with the Storms of Life
Lec # 95- 12th Sun of Ordinary Time- June 21, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
Last week I preached about the need to follow divine and natural law, the moral code given us by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit through the Church over the need to go in the direction of wherever society is leading us.
About Marriage Equality and Making a Choice
Lec # 92- 11th Sunday of OT- June 14, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is once again good to be here with you today to celebrate this 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said, “Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote.
What to do about Unanswered Prayers
Lec # 53- 5th Sunday of Easter- May 3, 2015- Fr.
Fraternal Correction
Lec # 47- 3rd Sunday of Easter- April 19, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is always good for us to be here together to celebrate this sacred liturgy.
There is nothing that gives our Lord greater glory then when we worship together in this holy sacrifice.
Peace and Mercy!
Lec # 44- 2nd Sunday of Easter- Divine Mercy Sunday- April 12, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
Today my brothers and sisters, we celebrate the last day of the Easter Octave. It is a Sunday devoted specifically to the Mercy of God.
And isn’t that what Easter really is all about? The mercy of God.
Abortion, Contraception, Pornography, Heaven, Hell
Lec # 65- 2nd Sun of OT- Jan 18, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
I’m sure this has been said, many times throughout history, as it generally is the case, but boy, we sure do seem to be living in turbulent times. The world is a scary place.
The Implications of the Incarnation: Christmas Joy
Merry Christmas to all!
My brothers and sisters, it is so very good to be here with you this evening to celebrate once again the reason for this most glorious and beautiful season of the year, Christ our savior is born to us!
On this very special occasion, I believe it is my duty as a priest to sp
Internet Pornography, other addictions, and accepting the Invitation to the Heavenly Banquet
Lec # 142- 28th Sun of OT- Oct 12, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters,
I was fortunate enough this past week to take a trip to Orange Beach to be with many brother priests to attend a conference for further education. The conference was on the topic of Internet pornography.
Fulfillment in Heaven, Not in Time and Space Alone
Lec # 112 – 18th Sun of OT- Aug 3, 2014- Fr.Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, recently I was reflecting with the youth of our church, and our Lord put an image in my heart that I would like to share with you. But before that, I’d make this observation.
Hobby Lobby, The Government, and True Patriotism
Lec # 100- 14th Sun of OT- July 6, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, last Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled against the Government in a decision which involved a for-profit corporation named Hobby Lobby.
Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia
Lec #591. Solemnities of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles. June 25, 2014. Fr. Bresowar.
Hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, hoy celebramos las Fiestas de dos de los más grandes santos en la historia de la Iglesia: San Pedro y San Pablo.
Jesus, Always with Us
Lec # 167- Corpus Christi- June 22, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
One of the most awesome things about being Catholic, my brothers and sisters, besides the fact that we have Jesus Christ, present to us, in the Blessed Sacrament, is the reality of the Eucharistic liturgy.
A Journey often Repeated; How Emmaus is a Great Lesson for Us
Lec # 46- 3rd Sun of Easter- May 4th, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
Going to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a very good prayer habit.
Happy Easter! Christ is Alive!
Lec # 42- Easter Sunday- April 20, 2013- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is a great joy and privilege to gather once again with you to celebrate the greatest feast of the Christian calendar, The Resurrection of our Lord, at this Mass of Easter Sunday.
First World Problems, the Israelites and Complaining
Lec # 28- 3rd Sun of Lent- March 23, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
Recently I saw a video on Youtube, on the internet, in which I posted to Facebook, the video was entitled FWP.
It's Awesome that we have a Choice
Lec # 76- 6th Sun of OT- Feb 16, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is always good to be here to celebrate this Eucharistic feast with you each weak.
True Wealth is Found in the Heart
Lec # 524- Presentation of the Lord- Sunday- Feb 2, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My dear brothers and sisters, I am honored to once again be here today to celebrate this Eucharist with you.
For many here, there is not a lot of money to go around.
Showing up late for Mass?
Lec # 64- 2nd Sun of OT- Jan 19, 2014- Fr.
Pope Francis and the Incarnation of the Word
Lec # 16- Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord- Christmas Day- Dec 25, 2013- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, as we gather once again to celebrate the glory of the incarnation, I’d like to personally wish all of you a very happy and merry Christmas.
It’s been a very interesting year.
When Hope Seems Lost
Lec # 7- 3rd Sun of Advent- Dec 15, 2013- Fr. Bresowar
It’s good to be here with you this week where once again we gather in this Advent journey to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass.
Homilia por La Fiesta de La Virgen de Guadalupe
Lec #690A-Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. De. 12. 2013
Fr. Bresowar
Hermanos y hermanas, es mi privilegio y alegría estar aquí con ustedes esta noche para celebrar una vez más esta gran Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe.
Reaching Beyond the Barriers of our Differences
Lec # 4- 2nd Sun of Advent- Dec 8, 2013- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, it is very good to be here with you today to celebrate this second Sunday of Advent. I would like to first start by saying congratulations to Bob Becher on being ordained a Deacon this weekend.
Advent: A Time to Prepare our Soul
Lec # 1- 1st Sun of Advent- Dec 1, 2013- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is good to be with you here on this first Sunday of Advent.