Lec # 94 – 12th Sunday of OT – June 25, 2017- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, it is very good to be here with you to celebrate the Holy Mass. Jesus Christ is Lord, He is God and King, He is our salvation and our only Hope. He is the prince of peace, the Lord of Lords.
My brothers and sisters, it is very good to be here with you to celebrate the Holy Mass. Jesus Christ is Lord, He is God and King, He is our salvation and our only Hope. He is the prince of peace, the Lord of Lords.
“We will be like Him. For we will see Him as He is.” – These are the words we hear from St. Paul in today’s epistle. What glorious words for us to reflect upon as we celebrate the Feast day of All the Saints in Heaven.
When we are in Heaven we will be like God.
When we are in Heaven we will be like God.
Lec # 146- 29th Sun of OT- Oct 18, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
“Can you drink the Cup that I am going to drink?” “Are you willing to do what I have to do?”
This is what our Lord asks James and John, sons of Zebedee, in the Gospel today.
“Can you drink the Cup that I am going to drink?” “Are you willing to do what I have to do?”
This is what our Lord asks James and John, sons of Zebedee, in the Gospel today.
Lec # 95- 12th Sun of Ordinary Time- June 21, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
Last week I preached about the need to follow divine and natural law, the moral code given us by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit through the Church over the need to go in the direction of wherever society is leading us.
Last week I preached about the need to follow divine and natural law, the moral code given us by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit through the Church over the need to go in the direction of wherever society is leading us.
Lec # 53- 5th Sunday of Easter- May 3, 2015- Fr.
Lec # 47- 3rd Sunday of Easter- April 19, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is always good for us to be here together to celebrate this sacred liturgy.
There is nothing that gives our Lord greater glory then when we worship together in this holy sacrifice.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is always good for us to be here together to celebrate this sacred liturgy.
There is nothing that gives our Lord greater glory then when we worship together in this holy sacrifice.
Lec # 44- 2nd Sunday of Easter- Divine Mercy Sunday- April 12, 2015- Fr. Bresowar
Today my brothers and sisters, we celebrate the last day of the Easter Octave. It is a Sunday devoted specifically to the Mercy of God.
And isn’t that what Easter really is all about? The mercy of God.
Today my brothers and sisters, we celebrate the last day of the Easter Octave. It is a Sunday devoted specifically to the Mercy of God.
And isn’t that what Easter really is all about? The mercy of God.
Lec # 142- 28th Sun of OT- Oct 12, 2014- Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and sisters,
I was fortunate enough this past week to take a trip to Orange Beach to be with many brother priests to attend a conference for further education. The conference was on the topic of Internet pornography.
My brothers and sisters,
I was fortunate enough this past week to take a trip to Orange Beach to be with many brother priests to attend a conference for further education. The conference was on the topic of Internet pornography.
Lec # 112 – 18th Sun of OT- Aug 3, 2014- Fr.Bresowar
My brothers and sisters, recently I was reflecting with the youth of our church, and our Lord put an image in my heart that I would like to share with you. But before that, I’d make this observation.
My brothers and sisters, recently I was reflecting with the youth of our church, and our Lord put an image in my heart that I would like to share with you. But before that, I’d make this observation.