Lec # 21- Bautismo del Señor- 13 de enero de 2019- p. Bresowar

Hermanos y hermanas, como siempre, es bueno estar aquí con ustedes hoy para celebrar la última fiesta de la temporada de Navidad, el Bautismo de nuestro Señor.

En el Evangelio de Lucas de hoy, leemos acerca de un evento muy importante, el bautismo de Jesús en el río Jordán por su primo Juan.

Esto marca el comienzo del ministerio público de Jesús, y durante los próximos meses, escucharemos en la santa misa, muchas de las señales y enseñanzas de Jesús durante su ministerio. Tiene sentido, entonces, que esta fiesta termine la temporada de Navidad, el nacimiento y los años más jóvenes de Jesús, y comience la temporada del tiempo ordinario, su ministerio adulto.

Lec # 21- Baptism of the Lord- Jan 13, 2019- Fr. Bresowar

Brothers and sisters, as always, it is good to be here with you today to celebrate the last feast of the Christmas season, the Baptism of our Lord.

In the Gospel of Luke today, we read of an important event of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River by his cousin John.

Lec # 134- 25thSunday of OT- Sept 23rd, 2018- Fr. Bresowar

Brothers and sisters,

Last week I reflected on the reality that if we tried to walk in the path of righteousness and reject the ways of the world in favor of the ways of God, that it would necessarily mean that we would be rejected by those who live only for the world. 

Suffering persecution for living the truth of Jesus Christ is part of our journey. I also stated that this rejection often times comes from those closest to us.

Lec # 8- 3rd Sunday of Advent- Dec 17, 2017- Fr. Bresowar

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. During this season of preparation the Church gives us a special Sunday, denoted by the color of Rose, to reflect on the theme of joy.

Lec # 132- 24th Sun of OT- 17 Sept 2017- Fr. Bresowar

My brothers and sister,

No one that I know enjoys being hurt by another person. And yet so often we are hurt in some way, by words and by actions.

My parents had five children, and as any parent knows who has multiple children, there is a lot competition for attention. My brother and my sisters and I would often fight with each other and say horrible things to each other.

This Tuesday is July 4th, and our country will celebrate its 241st birthday. In the year 1776, the founding fathers of this country signed the declaration of Independence in the city of Philadelphia on the fourth of July. On that day, the United States of America was born. Originally, the United States was made up of 13 colonies. These colonies were settled by the British in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Lec # 94 – 12th Sunday of OT – June 25, 2017- Fr. Bresowar

My brothers and sisters, it is very good to be here with you to celebrate the Holy Mass. Jesus Christ is Lord, He is God and King, He is our salvation and our only Hope. He is the prince of peace, the Lord of Lords. He is the mighty one, the victor over death, He has conquered sin and the devil. By his sacrifice on the cross, we are healed. By His grace, we are saved. There is no other name in Heaven and on Earth by which we are saved.

Today we gaze upon the humility of God. Our relationship had been shattered when we sinned against him, so God fixes it by sending his only Son to die.

What an incredible humility.

Someone mentioned to me recently that it would be like one of us dying on behalf of the billions of ants that wonder around on the ground.

I said it is much greater than that. God is so much bigger than us that when He came here it was such a condescension that we really cannot understand it.

Jesus asks his disciples, “Do you understand what I have done for you?”

He wasn’t just speaking about washing their feet. It was much more than that. He has overcome sin and open the gates of Heaven.

Like them, we don’t completely understand, which is why we need a reminder. A reminder to help us remember to be thankful. Our Lord knows that we need this so what does he do?

He takes bread and transforms it into his body, and he takes wine and transform it into his blood.

My brothers and sisters, at this sacred Mass we are celebrating the special feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

Forty days after the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, with Jesus, presented themselves at the temple as was the custom under the Jewish Law. This was done because Mary was considered uncleaned for forty days after Jesus’ birth. This is a ritual impurity and does not mean that she was with sin, or that something was wrong with her.
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About Me
I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. This blog is where I post my homilies from time to time. May God bless you always!
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