Nunca se olvide la gran esperanza y alegría que vienen de su bautismo
Never Forget the Great Hope and Joy that Comes From Your Baptism
Wisdom vs the World
Conditional Happiness vs Unending Joy
You hit me, I hit you back. We both have failed.
America, From the Puritan Foundation to Today
Very Soon, Our Choice will be Finalized.
Very Soon, Our Choice will be Finalized.
We Owe Her an Apology too
Holy Thursday
The Presentation of the Lord
The Battle to End Abortion starts at Home
A Shepherd's Perspective
How to properly receive the Christ Child into our Lives
Rejoice! But how? All I want to do is despair!
Two Types of Sinners, Which are you? Jesus responds accordingly
Contrasting Peter's First and Last Reaction to Jesus
What Hope is There Outside of God's plan for Marriage and Family?
All Saints Day
All Saints Day
All that Suffering, Why?
All that Suffering, Why?
Obstacles to Paradise
God's Plan for Marriage Is not Always Popular, but It is Perfect
Are you Happy all the time? You can be!
Dealing with the Storms of Life
Dealing with the Storms of Life
About Marriage Equality and Making a Choice
What to do about Unanswered Prayers
What to do about Unanswered Prayers
Fraternal Correction
Fraternal Correction
Peace and Mercy!
Peace and Mercy!
Abortion, Contraception, Pornography, Heaven, Hell
The Implications of the Incarnation: Christmas Joy
Internet Pornography, other addictions, and accepting the Invitation to the Heavenly Banquet
Internet Pornography, other addictions, and accepting the Invitation to the Heavenly Banquet
Fulfillment in Heaven, Not in Time and Space Alone
Fulfillment in Heaven, Not in Time and Space Alone
Hobby Lobby, The Government, and True Patriotism
Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia
Jesus, Always with Us
A Journey often Repeated; How Emmaus is a Great Lesson for Us
Happy Easter! Christ is Alive!
First World Problems, the Israelites and Complaining
It's Awesome that we have a Choice
True Wealth is Found in the Heart
True Wealth is Found in the Heart
Showing up late for Mass?
Showing up late for Mass?
Pope Francis and the Incarnation of the Word
When Hope Seems Lost
When Hope Seems Lost
Homilia por La Fiesta de La Virgen de Guadalupe
Reaching Beyond the Barriers of our Differences
Reaching Beyond the Barriers of our Differences
Advent: A Time to Prepare our Soul
Advent: A Time to Prepare our Soul
Who is your King?
Catholic to the End!
Catholic to the End!
The Virtue of Gratitude and God's Infinite Love!
The Virtue of Gratitude and God's Infinite Love!
What the Media said vs. What the Pope really said.
It's Better to be Humble
Are you saved?
The Truth Concerning What Happens in the End
To be Christian or not?
To be Christian or not?
Suffering, Cause and Solution
True Marriage Equality and Trusting God
Who is the Catholic Priest?
Never Looking Back
Never Looking Back
A Spoiled Child, Gay Marriage, and the Eucharist
Come Holy Spirit! Who are you?
The Joy of the Ascension
Where does our loyalty lie?
Where does our loyalty lie?
Peter, Feeding with the Truth
The world's desperate need for Mercy
The world's desperate need for Mercy
Assimilation to the Crucified
Passiontide! Two weeks left, let's get serious about Lent!
Passiontide! Two weeks left, let's get serious about Lent!
Rejoice! The Victory is Ours!
Rejoice! The Victory is Ours!
Fiddler on the Roof and Prayer
Easter and Suffering
Easter and Suffering
Fighting Persecution
Fighting Persecution
Ready to march!
Ready to march!
How to experience the Light of the World amidst darkness
How to experience the Light of the World amidst darkness
Happy New Year! Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God!
Happy New Year! Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God!
Merry Christmas! Christ is Born and Conquers in and through Humility!
Merry Christmas! Christ is Born and Conquers in and through Humility!
Addressing Evil on Gaudate Sunday
Addressing Evil on Gaudate Sunday
Happy New Liturgical Year
Happy New Liturgical Year
Nothing to Fear
Nothing to Fear
The Truth will free you to be Loved and to Love
The Truth will free you to be Loved and to Love
Life through the Lens of Eternity
Life through the Lens of Eternity
Suffer well
Suffer well
Where do you stand?
Where do you stand?
To Love is to feed with the Truth
To Love is to feed with the Truth
Drawing a Line in the Sand
Drawing a Line in the Sand
We already Have a Savior, and it's not Obama or Romney
We already Have a Savior, and it's not Obama or Romney
Approach Worthily (un-edited)
Approach Worthily (un-edited)
The Media, the Truth, and Loyalty
The Media, the Truth, and Loyalty
On becoming a true Christian...
On becoming a true Christian...
What happens at Mass?
What happens at Mass?
We couldn't redefine marriage if we wanted to!
We couldn't redefine marriage if we wanted to!
Don't mess with the Lord's design, marriage is what it is, we can't redefine it even if we want to.
Don't mess with the Lord's design, marriage is what it is, we can't redefine it even if we want to.
Lion at the Pulpit
Lion at the Pulpit
Liberal Catholicism-- An Exhausted Project
Liberal Catholicism-- An Exhausted Project
Good Friday- Jesus gives meaning to our suffering
Good Friday- Jesus gives meaning to our suffering
Make Holy Week Holy!
Make Holy Week Holy!
Rejoice! For we were created to be with God in Eternity!
Rejoice! For we were created to be with God in Eternity!
Suffering has infinite value when united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ!
Suffering has infinite value when united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ!
Even now says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart
Even now says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart
There is no sacrifice in cafeteria Catholicism
There is no sacrifice in cafeteria Catholicism
Contraception and the Moral Decline of Society
Contraception and the Moral Decline of Society
About Me
About Me
I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. This blog is where I post my homilies from time to time. May God bless you always!
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