1. Lec # 13- The Nativity of the Lord- Dec 25th, 2016- Fr. Bresowar

    Brothers and sisters,

    Merry Christmas!

    It is with great joy that we gather here this evening to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ in this holy mass. Roughly two-thousand years ago, the world changed forever when God decided to fulfill his promise to save us by sending His only son into the world.

    We don’t quite understand how marvelous this is yet, but we will one day very soon in God’s kingdom.

    The joy of the world, pronounced by Angels in the shepherd fields that faithful night in Bethlehem, “I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.”

    This proclamation from the Angels to the shepherds makes me wonder what reaction they had? Could those poor shepherd possibly have understood the implications of this most wonderful news? No others proclamation would ever effect humanity as this one, and yet the message wasn’t given to the emperor of Rome, who at that moment was the most powerful man in the world, but rather was given to those who tend to the flock. Many of them were poor themselves, perhaps they didn’t even own the animals they were tending to. And yet, the Lord sent his messengers to them. How curious is this?

    To be lowly, to be humble, this is how we receive Jesus and this good news. The shepherds were nothing in the eyes of the world, they were simple men, that worked very hard. They did not live comfortably, they were lowly. They led and were responsible for the flock of animals in the field, making sure they were tended to and not lost. They kept watch during the night.  Think about it, they spent all their nights under the stars, they probably prayed the psalms regularly. Therefore, they were the perfect choice to receive this great message from the Angels. Our Lord, who is the good shepherd, has come to tend his flock, and to lead us to safety, to his Kingdom.

    “Behold, a savior is born to you.”

    Maybe anyone else would have ignored this message, but the shepherds did not, they went to see the child Jesus. And of course this was no ordinary child they found lying in a manger, although by appearance, you might not have noticed anything abnormal, but by faith, the shepherds arrived and paid homage and did adoration, just like we do when we adore the lord in the blessed sacrament. By appearance, it looks like bread, but by faith, we see much differently, and we kneel and prostrate before the Lord of Lords in adoration, just as the shepherds did 2000 years ago.

    The condition to receive this good news and to understand it is lowliness and humility. Pride is an obstacle to faith, an obstacle to understanding. Our Lord gives us so many opportunities to be humbled so that we might too receive the good news. He saves us from wealth and the pursuit of power, and graces us with the inspiration to come here on Christmas so that we might too adore Him. Faith allows us to recognize the messiah, the savior of the world, wrapped and swaddled in the arms of his blessed mother and lying in the animal trough.

    As we venerate Jesus Christ, come to the world to save us from our sins, let us look upon him in adoration, as the lowly shepherds did and let us adore him. May God bless you, keep you lowly and humble, increase your faith, and shepherd you to His kingdom. May the greatest news in this history of the world take place in your hearts, and may you know His love and forgiveness today and always.

    Jesus has come to save us, he has arrived, come, let us adore him now and until the end of time. Merry Christmas!

  2. Lec # 10- 4th Sun of Advent- Dec 18, 2016- Fr. Bresowar

    Brothers and Sisters,

    Christmas is almost here. As we have journeyed through this season of Advent we have been preparing for the birth of Jesus. I have prayed for each of you and I hope you have had the opportunity to prepare a place in your soul for the coming of Christ. We have one week remaining, now is a great time to complete your spiritual preparation. Repent and prepare a path. This is the message received from John the Baptist as we reflected on him during the Gospel readings of Advent.

    For those of you who still would like to go to confession but have not found the opportunity, I will make myself available before and after every mass. Also this week, on Thursday and Friday evening, I will be in the confessional starting at 6 pm for those who would like to go. On Thursday, we will have Mass at 7 pm, so I will stop for that, but then will continue after with confessions. In addition, next Saturday at 10 in the morning, I will hear confessions.

    The Church teaches that we must confess our sins no less than one time a year and of course Advent and Lent are the best times to fulfil this obligation.

    The number one desire of Jesus is that we come to him and receive his forgiveness. Nothing makes his heart rejoice more than a sinner who repents, and he gives us a special sacrament just for this. If you want to give Jesus a Christmas gift, go to confession, and in return he will give you his greatest gift, his divine mercy.

    Also, during Advent we have spent time reflecting on Mary, the mother of Jesus. We’ve reflected on the message she received from the Angel Gabriel and how through her immaculate conception she was full of grace. She had such faith that her soul glorified the Lord, and asked that his Will be accomplished in her. Because of her faithfulness, we have received Jesus Christ our salvation. Mary, the mother of Christ, is with us always, appearing in Mexico as our Lady of Guadalupe, and in many other places to encourage us and draw us close to her son. Another way we prepare is through prayer, and particularly the rosary. Let us keep this great devotion as a regular practice in our lives, for through it, we have the greatest advocate in our mother Mary.

    Finally, as we draw close to the Nativity, the Church gives us on this last Sunday of Advent, one more character to reflect on and this is Saint Joseph.

    Joseph was chosen from all eternity to be the foster father of Jesus Christ. He plays a special role in the history of salvation. He was a righteous man who was chosen to safeguard Mary and Jesus. He led them to Jerusalem for the census, to Bethlehem for his birth, to Egypt to escape the murderous plans of Herod, and back to Nazareth to raise and provide for Mary and Jesus.

    The last way we prepare for Christmas is through works of charity. Doing good for others, and putting them before ourselves.

    Joseph is a great advocate for us in this. He, like all of us, had his own plans, his were for a quiet life in Nazareth with Mary, and he desired to raise a family and live a normal life like all of us. And yet, as God so often does, he revealed to Joseph a different plan. Joseph struggled at first trying to understand, and maybe he thought he wasn’t worthy or capable of accomplishing what God placed before Him. But God reassures Joseph through the Angel Gabriel in a dream and thus, Joseph then sets out to accomplish what God desired of Him, which is to help raise, along with Mary, the Messiah, the King of the World.

    That is not a small task. Yet Joseph does it faithfully.

    I always like to mention that Joseph doesn’t have any words recorded in the bible. He does not have one line. He shows his faithfulness by his actions. He doesn’t have to speak; he just does what he is supposed to do. He is not selfish, he is not looking out for himself, his willingness is not contingent on how others treat him. The plan comes from God. But he is a man of integrity. He doesn’t cheat on his spouse. He doesn’t treat his family with disrespect, he just does what he is supposed to do even when it is very difficult. He doesn’t quit, he keeps going. For this, Joseph is a great example especially for men. So often our ego gets in our way, and instead of being men of integrity, we revert back to behaving like children.

    Through the example and intercession of Joseph, patron of all fathers, may we too follow his example and lead with our actions and be men and women of integrity. When we fall in our weakness, may we heed the message of John the Baptist, and confess our sins so that we might receive the Christ Child. And when the Christ child arrives may we love Him as Mary loved Him, and return to this love, especially in our dark and difficult moments.

    Jesus is coming! Salvation is on the way! Prepare your hearts and souls, and may you have blessed and joyful Christmas.

  3. Lec # 7- 3rd Sunday of Advent- Dec 7, 2016- Fr. Bresowar

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    This weekend is a special weekend in the calendar of the Church. It is referred to as “Guadate” Sunday, which means a Sunday to rejoice! But why rejoice when there is so much sadness in the world, and so many reasons to be upset. Why should we rejoice?

    Because, as the prophet Isaiah reminds us to the first reading today, this desert and parched land that we live in is going to exult. The weeping and difficultly which we experience will change to a joyful song, and flowers will bloom, and the suffering that we experience will not last forever. So rejoice!

    The Church uses the color rose to remind us that our time of penance, fasting, and suffering is not going to last forever. Normally, during Advent and Lent, Christians are called to fast and prepare, to keep watch, and to be reminded that salvation is on the way. During the middle of Advent and Lent the Church gives us a special Sunday to be reminded of this great joy.

    Of course, joy often times is a hope, and not a reality in our lives. We are told to rejoice today, but so often, we find rejoicing in the midst of difficulty very challenging. How can I rejoice when my husband or wife is unfaithful?
    How can I rejoice when my children have abandoned me or abandoned the faith? How can I rejoice when I’m raising many children and I have very little help?

    How can I rejoice when I can barely make enough money to keep food on the table? How can I rejoice when I work all the time? How can I rejoice when my life is so hard?

    These and many other realities in our lives often times act against this great admonishment to rejoice. And when we lose sight of Christmas, or Easter, while we are journeying here on earth, rejoicing can become impossible.

    We do not rejoice because life is hard. We do not rejoice because we have problems. We do not rejoice because once one problem is solved another opens. No, we rejoice because Jesus is coming. And if Jesus comes, he has promised to turn our sadness into joy, our darkness into light, and if we remain in Him as He is in us, then the death and the destruction that surround us will have an end, and we won’t be part of that end.

    In the Gospel today, John the Baptist, who was the great prophet, the greatest prophet, was sitting in prison. Isn’t it funny how God treats His greatest saints while they live? So often they suffer the most.  We know that John came before Jesus to announce his public ministry. He wore camel hair, he ate locusts, and lived in the desert. He taught repentance of sin and he wasn’t afraid to tell the leaders they were living in sin and needed to change. And because of this, he got thrown into prison and eventually executed. You might believe that he lost his hope, but he didn’t. He had great faith in Jesus even though he died before he really ever saw his works.

    St. John of the Cross, who was a Carmelite priest, who lived in the 13th century, said that sometimes God does things that confuse us but they are never without a reason. John of the Cross was thrown into prison by his own brothers because they didn’t like the direction he was taking his community. They thought it was too difficult and they didn’t want to change. So they threw him into prison. He said to one of his spiritual daughters, don’t worry, it is God who allowed me to be thrown in here, not men. God has reasons for why he allows us to suffer and even if we do not understand why, it is never lost to Him. We may not understand now, but we will later. Faith is believing even when we cannot see. With faith, we can rejoice, without faith, rejoicing is very difficult.

    Jesus is coming, and the old suffering order is going to pass away. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the mute will speak, and the dead will rise. Everything that we think is unjust will be made just. No defeat in God’s name will remain a defeat. And no victory in the name of the devil, or the world, will remain a victory. If we suffer injustice for His sake, we will be rewarded. If we remain faithful even in our difficulties, he will remain faithful. If we sin, and we confess our sin, he will forgive us. His mercy endures forever. Nothing is lost to him except those who choose to remain lost.

    When the Lord test us by challenging our ways of doing things, like He has done for so many of his beloved saints, then let us accept it. No one chooses the path laid before them, it is assigned to us. We make it harder by rejecting it, or by living outside of God’s commands, but if we would surrender, we will find it much easier to rejoice and have hope.

    Christ is coming, let us repent of our sins, go to confession, and believe the good news. Salvation is on the way, the end is not far from here. Keep the faith, follow the commands, change your life, allow God to change you, and find your joy that never ends.

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About Me
I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. This blog is where I post my homilies from time to time. May God bless you always!
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