1. Lec # 66- 2nd Sun of OT- Jan 20, 2013- Fr. Bresowar

    My brothers and sisters in Christ,

    Often times anniversaries mark those special occasions in our life where we commemorate a milestone or important event.

    For example, in my calendar on my phone, every May 15th I have it marked as Deacon. And every year, on May 15th I forget why I have that marked and I start to wonder what it is I’m suppose to be doing that day when I remember oh yes, that is the date 3 years ago that I was ordained a deacon. That was the date where I formally said yes to celibacy for the Kingdom and made a promise of obedience to the bishop. Essentially that was the point of no return for becoming a priest. Then on June 4th a year later I have on my calendar my priestly ordination.

    I’m sure many of you have your own important dates marked on your calendar, especially your wedding anniversaries because it is important I hear, not to forget that date. Some people have first dates, first kisses, first this and that… all of those are important points in their own lives, that have significance to individuals as things they do not want to forget. It may seem silly sometimes to some, but to others it’s really important.

    And while we usually associate the word anniversary as a time to remember those good things, important moments in our lives; we must not forget that anniversaries also commemorate those things, which are not necessarily pleasant to remember.

    Things like deaths in the family or events in history where a disaster occurred, storms, natural disasters, or even man made disasters like Pearl Harbor, or 9/11, or even most recently the shooting at the school in New Town. They bring up painful memories where often times the worst that humanity as to offer is relived in our lives for a day.

    Unfortunately, this year, this week, is another anniversary where what the worse that humanity has to offer, and in particular in this country, is on display yet again. In few days, I will be traveling with a group kids from Blessed John Paul II Catholic high school, joining other teenagers and adults from this diocese and all over the country to Washington DC to commemorate and protest the 40th anniversary of the single worse supreme court decision in our country’s history, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion.

    Since that time, over 55 million infants in the womb, at the beginning stages of life have been discarded for all different sorts of reasons.

    Regardless of those reasons, that’s 55 million children who never had a shot at life. The consequences of such an astounding number of people who never got their chance are unspeakable on our society. Demographic crisis’s, unknown achievements that might have been, the emotional scars that sometimes never heal, and ultimately the decreased value place on human life are just the beginning of the atrocities that have resulted from 40 years of legalized abortion.

    These numbers, these facts, they are never brought up by abortion proponents; because they are not a value of many who believe abortion should be a safe and legal possess. For many, the fact that a woman has control over her own reproductive choices outweighs the reality of what abortion does to the woman or to society as a whole. The child becomes something of an inconvenience especially when we have our whole lives in front of us. The strongest abortion opponents can cave in to this perception when their own child becomes pregnant, or their own child causes a pregnancy. Governments, who more and more bare the financial burden of the individual, would champion abortion because of its obvious economic benefits they proclaim; this is why you see most abortion clinics in the poorest of neighborhoods across the country. If you convince or control the poor not to have children by abortion and contraception, sterilization, then society will be less burdened financially. In reality this isn’t the case, and as the birth rate continues to decline, the likelihood of financial stability decreases. Stats you never hear about in the mainstream media.

    Yet, all of that pales in comparison to the destruction that abortion, and the decreased value placed on human life has had on our country as one which use to see itself subservient to the one and true God.

    Ultimately, abortion takes God out of the equation and places the burden of life and death on the individual. We can look back in history, and see where we have tried to assume the responsibilities of God numerous times, and see how well that has played out. Not well at all, ever.

    And it is not simply with abortion that we try to play God; it happens in other areas as well; and just like with Israel, who often times ignored the warnings of the prophets, it never works out. Abortion though, is likely the worse we have ever seen in our country. A society which kills it’s own offspring, is a depraved society indeed. It used to be seen as an atrocity, now it is seen as a convenience.

    All of this will play itself out over time, and in the end, God, who is ignored now, will be called upon to fix the problem once we realize that we can’t solve issues by doing things which are contrary to life, goodness and truth, God will end up making all things right in the end. But we will have to live with consequences of our actions.

    It’s never easy to do the right thing; and sometimes doing the right thing totally alters our way of life, our plans, our vision of how we saw our own life working out; yet doing the right thing always bares more fruit then choosing to be our own god. And nothing is more evident of making the right decision then seeing the face of a child. People say it’s cruel to bring a child into this world in harsh conditions; the reality is that it’s cruel not to. Because life is beautiful; and despite the odds against it, when lived according to the plan laid out by God himself, which necessarily requires sacrifice, life produces fruit. Life is synonymous with truth, beauty, and love; all of those things necessarily must be shared by their nature, and as Jesus shows us with his own life, sacrificing our own desires to become the master of our own world, will bring about happiness, peace and joy reasonably in this life, and eternally in the next.

    Life is good, why do we try to hinder it?

    God tells us you are my beloved, my espoused! A royal diadem, a glorious crown. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you. You are my delight! That is our dignity; that is how precious we are in the eyes of our Lord.

    If we knew what we were tossing away with abortion, we would never even consider it. That which is made in the image and likeness of God, that which possesses a dignity above every other creature, angels included; a human life, the pinnacle of God’s created universe and for no other creature did he Himself come to save by taking on human flesh and nailing himself to a cross, if we knew… if we only knew what we were doing; the idea of abortion which make us sick to our stomach.

    But that’s how undervalued life has become for the sake of convenience.

    Mother Teresa once said when she was addressing the American people…

    "America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father's role in an increasingly fatherless society.
    It has portrayed the greatest of gifts—a child—as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered domination over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters. And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners.
    Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign."

    May God have mercy on us as a country, and may all of us here always do the right thing individually and defend the inherit dignity of life at all stages, even if it means going against the grain of society. For in the end, our choices do matter, they effect everyone and everything, nothing will be concealed, nothing… in the End, God wins, and we should pray dearly every day that not my will be done but his, as on earth as it is in Heaven.  

  2. Lec # 20- Solemnity of the Epiphany- Jan 6, 2013- Fr. Bresowar

    My brothers and sisters in Christ,

    It is good to be with you here this Sunday once again. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany. 

    In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah exhorts us to rise up in Splendor for our light has come! A light we celebrate this Christmas season, the light of the world Jesus Christ as St. Paul reminds us, a revelation not revealed for many generations before but is revealed now, in the fullness of time, revealed to the world.

    Isaiah goes on to say that darkness has covered the earth; but upon us the Lord Shines; that our hearts will experience exuberance, that they shall throb with joy, uncontainable happiness; and that every nation on earth will adore, as the Psalmist states.

    And yet, my brothers and sisters, when we look around this world; in our lives, in our families, in our relationships, in our hardships, our temptations, our sinfulness, our government, our politics, our lack of humility, our tendency to blame everyone but ourselves for our problems, and in the general decline of our society morally, and fiscally, we often times only see the darkness around us.

    And we may find ourselves wondering what in the world was Isaiah talking about? A great light shines! What in the world was St. Paul talking about? A great revelation! How were the Magi able to even find the Christ child in such a darkened world, how did they know where to look, and why were they looking in the first place? What caused them to want to go out and map the stars?

    The problems that exist here, they are not new to the world. The magi lived in a darkened world full of corruption and personal failure, just like we do.

    Our frustrations with politics and politicians, our frustration with the despair concerning many things, with disappointments concerning our jobs, our social settings, our marriages, our families, our children and unhealthy decisions they make, our physical frailty; frustrations in our own lack of humility to recognize that we make mistakes too, all of this; and even more, were things they experienced in the time of Isaiah, in the time of Christ and every generation since. They were left wondering, just like we are sometimes, what is this great light, where is this joy and peace that we supposedly are suppose to live in and experience?

    And yet, I’m absolutely convinced that the Light of the world exist, and that He exist to give us, despite the darkness around us, immense joy and peace which only He can give.

    And that once we learn to let go of the darkness, let go of it all; once we become not apathetic to the world, but detached from all of it’s false security that it offers us, then we will begin to experience what God so desperately is trying to give us.

    I know it, because from time to time, when I’m able to step away and reach out with faith to my God, this light which exist and is much more powerful than the darkness, pervades my inner being and I, if only for a moment, understand with clarity what it was I was made for.

    I was made for Love, and so were all of you. Light, goodness, joy, peace, happiness, Love.  And the only thing that keeps us from experiencing this here and now, is ourselves.

    The Epiphany of our Lord is a celebration of the Incarnation of the Word of God. It is not simply the celebration of the Magi following a star and presenting gifts to the Christ child. It’s much more than that.

    It’s a celebration of love, that love has come to conquer and destroy the darkness; and that we need not wait to experience it in Heaven, but can begin to experience it now even amidst the darkness.

    God didn’t come here to fulfill our every longing simply after we die; but to fulfill it now and perfectly in eternity, void of all earthly attachment. When we start to let go of our own expectations of what is true happiness, when we begin to practice Heaven, where we will be detached from all sin, detached from all attachments to earthly materialism, all attachments to anything but what is of God, when we begin to love others not for our own comfort but for the sake of God; when we emulate the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and suffer for the sake of love, then, we begin to experience the Light which shines on us, and which the prophet spoke of. A light which has no darkness. A light which enlightens our intellect and brings warmth to hearts. A light where joy and peace know no end. The saints speak of it frequently, and this is before they were even in Heaven.

    But we are what we love; and often times we base our fulfillment, our happiness, on things that cannot fill that void, the void which exist in each of our souls and can only be filled by the infinite; and if we try to find fulfillment outside of the light then we are seeking it where it cannot be found. It cannot be found in another person, or simply in a relationship between two people, it cannot be found in a TV show, it cannot be found in a book, it cannot be found in a football game; all of these things can be good, and used to lead us to God; but they are not God himself.  

    So let us practice what we proclaim to believe in. Its not a myth, it’s more real than you or I. Jesus wants nothing but our happiness, and he offers it, all we have to do to attain it is die to our selves, die to the notion that the world has something to offer us apart from Him, pray frequently, love others, seek to serve first, detach from all earthly attachments and begin to live Heaven now.

    Sounds easy right? Maybe not.. but with his grace all things are possible. God Bless you on this Epiphany Sunday. 

  3. Lec # 18- Sol of Mary, Mother of God- Jan 1, 2013- Fr. Bresowar

    My brothers and Sisters in Christ-

    I’d like to begin this homily offering all of you a very happy and blessed New Year. The New Year is an exciting time for many reasons. For some, it is a time to put behind the old. 2012 for many was a difficult year, relatives were lost, financial hardship may have been present, jobs lost, infidelities, illnesses, broken relationships, and so for these, they may be thinking “good riddance” For others, it is a time of excitement and anticipation as many milestones will be accomplished in 2013. Some will get married, others will graduate, new jobs will come, new houses, new children will be born and so on…

    We do not know exactly what 2013 will hold for all; but we do know that life goes on. We’ve come through a lot; we will go through a lot more, and only thing that is constant is change. If you don’t like today, wait until tomorrow.

    Change in this world is certain. If you are one of those people who hate it, then you are likely disappointed frequently; unless you hope in the one thing that never changes; which is God.

    By his very nature, God is incapable of change. He is constant love; eternal love; a three-person union of perfect love.

    While change exist and we must adapt here; in Heaven, we do not experience it like we do here. In Heaven, which is where we were created to be; which is where we are more human because that’s our home; there, we experience only that which we were created to experience without all the things that do not belong. We were not created for sin, or it’s effects; we were not created for evil, moral or natural. Really, that’s what evil is; it is a privation, a lacking if you will, of something which would otherwise be there. So death is a privation of life; and life without death is good and perfect. Sin is a privation of moral goodness. When we sin, we become less human. In heaven, there is no sin; we are completely fulfilled, we are human to the capacity that we have the ability to be so. Suffering, changes, lack of goodness, despair, all the things that are effects of evil, do not exist in eternity for eternity is the dwelling place of the perfect God.

    Everyone has to deal with sin and its effects while we are here; even those who are not guilty of it; like the child in the womb; or the infant who suffers; there was only one person outside of God who did not deal with anything lacking and she is the reason we are here today.

    She is the morning star, the ark of the new covenant; the mother of Jesus Christ and therefore the mother of God. She is our mother too; for he is our brother; we are more related to Him then we are to each other; and he gives us his mother to nurture us, to guide us, to comfort us, and to lead us to Himself.

    In Heaven, we are all one family; more related to each other as adopted children of God then we are by our biological relations to our own family here. You literally are my brothers and sisters; and the perfect realization of this family will come when there is no more sin or its effects in the Kingdom of God. Jesus prays that we will be one as he and his father are one, and his prayer will be answered. Division, which is an effect of evil, does not exist in the unity of Heaven.

    As brothers and sisters because of our mystical union with Jesus Christ, we share in everything that He is, including his Mother.

    True devotion to the blessed mother is true devotion to Jesus Christ. In that sense, we can say that along with Jesus, Mary is our hope. Along with Jesus, Mary is our heart. She is not divine in nature, and therefore she does not compare to the Godhead in any sense, and not even to her son in greatness; but she is the greatest of all of his creatures; and a gift to those of us who would seek to foster a relationship with her.

    She is the archetype of the Church, the faithful daughter, the new eve, and the example of obedience that all of us should seek to emulate. She participates in the redemption of her son on the cross and becomes, by his favor, a mediatrix of grace to all of us. There is no more powerful intercessor than our Mother, and she will not abandon those who seek her prayerful support. Her son will deny her nothing.

    So to go to her, is to go to Jesus, and that is because her only desire is to lead us to her son.

    Pray the rosary as often as you can; wear the scapular, practice Marian devotions, seek to understand Jesus through Her, read about her and her mission to spread the love of her son to the world; and let her be a mother to you, as she is our mother; and she will bring us consolations as we too seek to journey through this ever changing world to be with the eternal never changing God, Jesus Christ, in the Kingdom of Heaven where all the saints and the angels and the mother of God eagerly await our entrance to our Heavenly Home where we will be one in all with each other and the lamb.  
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About Me
I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. This blog is where I post my homilies from time to time. May God bless you always!
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