# 158- 33rd Sun of OT, Nov 18, 2012- Fr. Bresowar
brothers and sisters in Christ…
world is a very scary place… good thing it is passing away. Good thing this is
just a pilgrim journey to Heaven and not a final destination. Right now, we
seem to be on the brink of another war, the economy is on the brink of another
recession, morals are all but shot in the family and in society, the golden
calf of idol worship is back in many forms, the Church is under attack on the
religious liberty front… and God seems to be put on the back burner as man
tries to once again, save himself from himself. We know this story, we know the
outcome, we’ve seen this play out in history multiple times, and we wonder why
people refuse to learn from history. So once again, we find ourselves having to
endure great suffering, which is an effect of sin, sin, which is a turning away
from God’s perfect plan for us.
although not caused by God, is allowed by God. Some think God allows it to
punish us for our sins, I doubt it… St. Augustine states that God is a
physician, and that suffering is a medicine for salvation, not a punishment for
more than ever maybe, is the time for us to increase our faith which God does
by grace, to get ready to suffer, and to remember our final destination is not
in this world, that our salvation from this mess that we are in, rest, as it
always has, in Jesus Christ, who willingly entered into suffering to show us
that this is how God brings about redemption.
those who seek to follow Christ with everything that they are, true Christians,
not wishy washy ones, not cafeteria ones, but true Christians, are always
looking forward to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Why? Because that is when
he will finally accomplish what he started, when God will make manifest the
Kingdom forever, and where sin and suffering, the effects of sin, will be
stamped out forever. There will be no more sadness, no more war, no more
abortion, no more murder, no more separation, no more adultery, no more hurting
each other, no more disordered sexuality, no more lust, no more temptations, no
more strife. The battle will be won, and we, if we persevere and love Jesus by
actually following his commands and being obedient to his Church, by allowing him
to be God in our lives instead of us, will enjoy the paradise we were created
for. This is not our hope, this is our reality… people who lack faith, often
times believe Christians made this story up to help themselves cope with suffering…
I can think of better things to do to cope with suffering. Faith, the virtue
which we must be open to, but once we receive, allows us to know for certain,
that Christ will come again and finish what he started.
first Christians, maybe more than any other time, suffered great persecutions,
especially under the Roman Empire. We think we have it bad now, we are
suffering nothing compared to what they had to endure. Naturally, they were
always looking forward to, longing for the Day of the Lord, to persevere in the
face of every form of adversity. Over and over again, St. Paul invokes this
future time of blessing.
the Gospel reminds us very clearly that the end of our world will come, and
that we should be very watchful for this.
one, only the Father, knows when this will happen, but what is certain, is that
it will happen.
are reminded that in the end, there will be a judgment for everyone, and that
Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep he will put on his
right and the goats on his left. This is an analogy for those of us who
accepted and lived as the Gospels tell us, and those of us who rejected the
Gospel, the good news, and lived as if we were our own God, and we make the
rules, not Him.
is very clear that those who accepted and lived the Truth, which he reveals
through Scripture and his Church, will share eternal life, and those who did
not, will be cast into the eternal fires of Hell with Satan.
Jesus returns while we are alive, or rather we die first, each of us cannot
avoid coming to that judgment day. Each of us will have to give a full account
of our life in front of God, and this can be a very scary thought for us.
can be very scary, however, if we live our lives like we actually love Jesus
Christ and we love our neighbor, then we have nothing to fear about dying and
judgment. If we keep his commands, and seek to serve and not to be served, if
we take up our Cross and deny ourselves; if we pray every day, and do not take
his grace for granted; if we feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, visit this
sick and the dying, visit the prisoners, take care of the orphaned and the
widow; if we live as honorable husbands and wives, fathers and the mothers,
sons and daughters; if we put God before everything else, and if we make sure
that we eat his body and drink his blood in the Holy Mass, and we go to
confession and repent of our sins over and over, then we have absolutely
nothing to fear.
if we do all of those things, then we already live with the Kingdom of Heaven
inside each one of us. Eternal Life is Jesus Christ, and when Jesus Christ
lives inside of us, and He is the King of our Heart, then eternal life reigns
in our heart and we have nothing fear, nor could we, about our judgment, or
really all the issues that happening in the world around us. For the world is
passing away.
says that unless you hate your life in this world, you cannot have eternal
life. What does he mean by this, he means, we were created for eternity, that’s
where our heart should be. Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven says the
Lord, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
many people will end up in Hell because they refused to change their lives,
even when God offers them so many chances to change.
we must pray every day for each other and for ourselves while we still have
time. We must seek to give up control of our lives and let God take control. We
must learn about Jesus and His Church, about our faith, and offer up our
sufferings united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ. If we can do this, we
will not complain anymore about what is going on here with all of our problems,
instead we will suffer willingly, and Jesus will use this suffering to bring us
to Heaven.