1. Lec # 134- 25th Sun of OT- Sept 23, 2012- Fr. Bresowar

    Recently, I was accused of being a really nice person. That’s not a problem. I like being accused of this, I have no problems living under this title, a nice person. But then, the one who accused me of this, added… there always comes a stipulation, he is really nice… but… he is too strict with his doctrine.

    He is too Catholic!

    He doesn’t leave any wiggle room for those of us who don’t agree with the Church on every issue.

    To which I respond, absolutely, if that is the case, then I’m doing my job. Because there is only one way, and it’s not for me to question it, it is for me to preach it.  

    My brothers and sisters in Christ… I did not say “Yes” to being a priest to preach or teach a water- downed version of what is going to get us into Heaven one day. I said “Yes” to a life of difficulty, and challenges, not simply because I love people and I want to do good things while I’m here, I didn’t say yes for me, I’m not simply a social justice priest, I said “yes” because first and foremost Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and his Church is the avenue in which he leads us to Himself, and He called me to be one of his priests. And he gave me the strength to say yes.

    The gate that leads to life is narrow and constricted, and few people find it.

    Yes we must do good things for others, especially the poor, the suffering, the widows, those who have nothing, we must feed them, and shelter them, and give them clothes to wear, with no expectation of return, we must… but with one goal in mind…all for the glory of Jesus Christ. Not for them, but for Christ. Whatever you do for the least of my brothers or sisters, you do for me.

    We live in incredibly difficult times, where once again, the Church must be purified of her complacency and tendency to bend to social pressure, shepherds must preach the Truth independent of their own interpretation, and this Truth of Jesus Christ, the light of the world, must shine forth so that those who live in darkness, can once again see the great light.

    The darkness is everywhere around us, surrounding us, choking us, it is in the media, it is in our movies, our music, our politics, it’s everywhere, and if we don’t combat it with Truth, then how will people find their way out?

    We can’t simply feed people with food that perishes… we cannot accept people, love them, feed them, clothe them, shelter them, while at the same time accept behavior that is killing them. That’s not love at all. People who want to be their own Gods often times use the excuse that Jesus loves them no matter what and that he understands all their challenges, and so it’s okay to break the divine and natural law, it’s okay to use contraception, or engage in deviant behavior, because Jesus loves me and he understands my needs.

    Jesus does love them, and he does understand their needs, but he never said be your own God, you make the rules, I’ll just accept you no matter what. That’s garbage, and it is had invaded our society. Relativism is a plague which is leading many souls to hell. No Jesus said quite the opposite, he said, if you love me, keep my commands.

    We must always be thinking about Eternity! Where are we going? That should be a question that each of us asks ourselves every day, and it should influence every decision, every thought.

    In the Gospel today, Jesus announces that he is going to go and be handed over to men and they are going to kill him!

    He thinking about his victory, and eternal life, which is why this makes sense. In worldly view, this makes absolutely no sense, it is defeat, it is death… it is to be laughed at and scorned by the world, and is a sign of weakness… but to Jesus, who is not thinking like the world thinks, what he is telling his disciples, is that “I’m going to go open the gates of paradise to all of you.” He says, they will kill me, but in three days I will rise.

    But they don’t understand… they haven’t quite gotten it yet, they don’t recognize that for them to live, he must die, and they haven’t made the connection for their own lives as well, that to live with Him in eternity, they are going to have to die with Him too.

    But what does it mean to die with Christ? It means first to die to our own desire to be our own god and make the rules independent of the Church with Christ himself gave the power of the keys of Kingdom of Heaven. We can’t afford anymore, to reject the teachings of the Church and still call ourselves Catholic. We are either in, or we our out. It’s a choice we have to make, a choice, which has eternal consequences.

    However, If it was given to us to see what lies ahead for those who follow Christ with their lives, their choices, those who trust the Church that he established and gave power, those who follow her doctrine with obedience, and learn to love for the sake of Christ first, and then naturally others which is borne of the love of Christ, if it was given to us to see the paradise that await those that do, we would all work without worry of fatigue to receive this reward that does not go away. No eye has seen nor ear has heard, nor has it dawned on the very thoughts of men, what God has prepared for those who love him.

    My brothers and sisters, the doctrine of the Church is Truth received from Christ himself for the sake of Love, for the sake of eternal life. It is liberating to follow, not constrictive, not enslaving, it certainly is difficult because it requires a death to our own ego, and it can’t be redefined for our own sake… it is what it is, but if we take a leap of faith, pray for each other, pray for grace and a willingness to take up the cross and some how find it within ourselves to follow Her, we will be transformed into vessels of light, purified of our complacency and our own desire to be God, and we will love for the sake of love, we will become beacons of hope and light, which is to say, we will become the hands and the feet, and the heart and the soul, and love and the beauty, and the eternity, we will become one with Jesus Christ.

    And we won’t have to answer the question on that judgment day as to why we wanted to be our own God, instead we will come to Jesus and hear him say, well done, come in and receive your reward.  

  2. Lec # 439- Homily for JPII, Wed, Sept 12, 2012

    Today’s Gospel, Jesus is reminding us that those who are poor are blessed, those who have nothing, the innocent, those who are humble, not just the poor financially, but the poor in spirit, the humble, those who put others before themselves; the kingdom of God is theirs. Then he says blessed are the hungry, for they will be satisfied. He is not just speaking to those who hunger for food that perishes, but certainly this group is included, he is also speaking for those who hunger for the truth, those who hunger for justice and mercy, those who hunger for righteousness.
    Then he says, blessed are those who are weeping, for you will laugh. Certainly, he is referring to the widows and the orphans, those who feel abandoned, those who have lost loved ones, he reminds them that their weeping will turn to joy. But he is also speaking to those who are weeping for the injustices that take place in the world, the wars, the poverty, those who are persecuted, those who are unjustly killed in and outside of the womb, those who would be their own gods and decide for themselves what is right and wrong. He says to those on the side of Truth, your weeping will turn to joy.

    Then finally, he gives a forth blessing, a blessing which kind of sums up and engulfs the previous three. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man.

    This is the greatest blessing of them all. Because the poor, the widows, the orphans, they are blessed not because of their slate in life, but because their proximity to the Truth of Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is saying to us, if you come after me, and accept me, and the truth which I am, then people are going to persecute you, people are going to hate you, and guess what, you are blessed because of it.

    Everywhere we accept the Truth of Christ as revealed by his Church throughout the ages, people have hated us. It is just as true today as it was 2000 years ago. It even happens here in this school. Some people here are persecuted for believing in and standing up for the Truth. You see it in your classrooms at times, from students and some teachers. Some find going to mass a waste of time, some find the March for Life an unworthy cause.  Some people, in a Catholic school, hate the Catholic Church for what she stands for and feel like religion is forced down our throats (in a Catholic school of all places). Remember you are blessed when people hate you because of this, and you are called to pray for your enemies, and those who would persecute you.

    Why do people persecute Christ and his Church? Because the Truth is objective, it forces us to have absolutes and choose, and that is not the way the world would like it. The world, by in large, would like everything to be subjective, everything to be gray, and not black and white as the Truth is. Jesus posited Truth, through himself and through his Church, a truth that many can’t understand and refuse to accept, and they walked away, like they did in the Gospel, and like they do today. But just like the laws of physics are unchangeable in the physical realm, so it is with the Truth, it’s unchangeable in the eternal and physical realm.

    Gay marriage, women priests, abortion, contraception, etc, these are the issues of today, and many people reject the Truth taught by the Church concerning these issues, which is like rejecting the law of gravity as taught physicists, you can do so, but you are not going to get the results you want in lab.  These issues of today however, were not the issues of 200 years ago; then, there were different issues people debated as true or not true, 200 years before that, it was something else. The point is, Jesus Christ, and his Holy Church, from which he gave authority to bind and to loose, are True, that’s why they are still here after 2000 years, and what she teaches on matters of faith and morals are True. And the only option to rejecting this, which is based on love and freedom, is the opposite consequence of hate and deception. To accuse those who would champion the Truth of being intolerant, and bigoted and hateful is sad, but it happens all the time. Blessed are we who stand up for Jesus Christ and the divine and natural law, over a world which either accepts and lives by it, or rejects it and hates those who do not do the same. We are all blessed when we choose to let Jesus be God and seek to serve the poor, humble ourselves, take care of the widows and orphans, feed our hunger for Truth, accept it even when we don’t fully understand it, and then go out and feed the world with food that will not perish, food that gives everlasting life, the Truth of Jesus Christ.

    For there is absolutely no such thing as social justice, apart from charity and Truth rooted in the teachings and life of Christ revealed through his Church. Social justice must lead us to Heaven first, that must be the goal, and there is no other way to Heaven except through Christ, who is love incarnate. And if you disagree with me on this, fine, but I’m not making it up as I go, and I’m changing anything because I don’t like it.  I’m just passing down that which has sustained us for 2000 years, and long after we are gone, long after the United States ceases to exist, after the rise and fall of many more nations, and in the end, after it is all said and done, there will be Jesus Christ, and his holy Catholic Church. The world is passing by, but the Truth is eternal. So anything which is a distortion of, a redefining of, or a rejection of the Truth is going to die out over time, but the gates of hell will not prevail over those who accept and teach the Truth as revealed by God through his Church, and for those, the law of love will reign for eternity.

  3. Lec # 125- 21st Sun of OT- Sept 2, 2012- Fr. Bresowar

    My brothers and sisters in Christ, four years ago, our country came together and elected Barack Obama. He was going to be the savior of the country, fix all our problems and unite us, as we move forward into the next generation. I remember the night he was elected, and how people were so enamored with Him. I also remember that many people had tears running down their faces as they held candles, sung songs and shouted chants of hope and change.

    That was four years ago, and here we are, and things have not gotten better, in fact things have gotten worse for almost everyone.

    And so now, largely disappointed, we are presented with a new savior, one who is more experienced in the business world, who promises to make everything better, to bring back jobs, and to fix all our problems. His name is Mitt Romney, and he is being presented as the replacement for the mistake that was Barack Obama.

    So, out with one savior, and in with the next.

    The Truth is, until our country recognizes that we already have a savior, and quits placing all its hopes and dreams on a person who is not Jesus Christ; our country is always going to be disappointed with the results.

    Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are not the solutions to the problems that exist in this country. They never were, and no president ever will be. The solution is Jesus Christ, and his message is clear, repent, and believe the good news.

    It’s the same message that has sustained humanity for the last 2000 years. Repent and believe!

    Yet we live in a place, in a country, which is deaf to this Truth, and will not hear it. So it’s up to us, to go and shout it to the world! To proclaim it with our lives, humbly, so as St. James says in the second reading, we may be doers of the word and not hearers only.

    Hypocrisy is defined as: the state of promoting or administering virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have or is guilty of violating.

    This is exactly what Jesus was accusing the Pharisees of in today’s Gospel. Remembering that he is God, and he knows their hearts better than they do, he peers within them and sees that they preach the truth, but they do not live it. They accuse the Apostles of violating the law, when they themselves do the same.

    It would much more effective of them to recognize their own weakness and failures when they preach, then to pretend as if they are more righteous then their brothers and sisters.

    So it is the same with us and those who would lead us. Unless we recognize the need for God’s mercy first in our lives; and understand, that we are sinners, and that we need to stand forgiven, then we too become hypocrites and have no right to preach to others.

    And our country does not need any more hypocrites. It needs apostles of Truth. It needs true disciples of Jesus Christ. God can take one soul who is truly humble, who truly recognizes his or her own weakness and utter dependence on God, and he can convert thousands of souls through this person. That is what God does through the Saints. One saint, thousands of souls! Imagine if all of us lived our faith the way God designed it, how many souls would come to the Truth, how many souls would repent and believe!

    Repent and believe!

    Repent, that means come to confession, and recognized a need for forgiveness, and then believe, that means go out, after humbling ourselves, and preach the good news. The good news that Jesus is the savior, not Barack Obama, not Mitt Romney, not anyone, but Jesus Christ. And only Jesus Christ has the power, and the authority, and the wisdom, to lead this country to where it needs to go.

    Only Jesus is our eternal hope, and until he reigns as king of our hearts, we will always be slaves to world. He is the king of eternity, and so seek him first, and everything else will take care of itself. Amen.

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About Me
I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. This blog is where I post my homilies from time to time. May God bless you always!
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