Lec # 47- 3rd
Sun of Easter- April 22, 2012-
Fr. Bresowar
My brothers and
sisters in Christ. It is awesome to be back here at the old training grounds at
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton/St. Henrys. It has been an amazing first year as a
priest, a busy first year, I thought I was quite busy at seminary, and it turns
out I was not busy at all. The priesthood is amazingly busy! But awesome…. I’ve
been assigned up in Huntsville, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, as the
associate pastor, and in charge of Hispanic Ministry. Do I speak Spanish? No…
but God is making it work some how. Also, I’m the chaplain at John Paul II
Catholic High School, which I love, and I’m able to speak English, which I also
So it’s been
great, and if young men knew how amazing it was to be a priest, we wouldn’t
have a shortage anymore. Not that this parish isn’t doing its part, it has 3 seminarians right now, which is awesome.
By brothers and
sisters, it appears to me that the Church is going through a period of
cleansing and renewal. That orthodoxy is making a return, and once again, as it
always has and always will, is winning the test of time. Orthodoxy,
faithfulness to the Truth, to the timeless teachings of the Magisterium, the doctrines
of Christianity, is on its way back!
We have right now young
men and women coming out of seminaries and religious orders, going to
universities and studying, coming out on fire for the Truth of Jesus Christ.
The same truth that is boldly proclaimed by St. Peter in the Acts of the
Apostles in front of the religious authority of the day in Jerusalem. That
"The God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, and the God of
the God of our fathers, has
glorified his servant Jesus,
And you put Him to death out
of your ignorance. But this was allowed so that the scriptures might be
completed/fulfilled, therefore repent of what you have done so that your sins
might be wiped away.
Bold, maybe even dangerous,
but it is the Truth. Our world doesn’t like bold proclamations of the Truth,
she wants to debate it and take a vote on it, and some places even deny it, but
this is not orthodoxy. The truth speaks for itself. Jesus Christ suffered that that our sins may be forgiven and
it is time to return, as we now seem to be doing, to the core of this Christian
truth. That, as the second reading says
Jesus Christ the righteous one.
He is expiation for our sins,
and not for our sins only
but for those of the whole world.
If you want to know him, if
you want to receive him, follow his commands. Whoever does so is perfected by
the love of God.
Obedience to the commands of
Christ is the perfection of the Christian soul.
Obedience, Truth, words that
for the past 40-50 years in the United States, and really in the western modern
world, in our culture, have tried to be unsuccessfully redefined to mean
something they are not. Progressives have tried to make the argument that the
Church needs to change her teachings to get with the modern times, on things
like celibacy, birth control, women’s ordinations, abortion, and even the
sacraments and the Liturgy. And yet, the Church who is guided by the Holy
Spirit, the same Holy Spirit who is leading the great renewal once again,
cannot and will not change her doctrines and/or her disciplines on the whim of
a culture which rejects them. How has the Church survived for 2000 years? By
changing her teachings every time they are unpopular or by proclaiming the
Truth regardless if it is popular or not?
In his Holy Thursday homily at St. Peter's
Basilica on April 5, Pope Benedict XVI denounced calls from some Catholics for
optional celibacy among priests and for women's ordination. The pope said that
"true renewal" comes only through the "joy of faith" and
"radicalism of obedience."
And renewal is coming. After the 2002
scandal about sexual abuse by clergy, progressive Catholics were predicting the
end of the celibate male priesthood in books like "Full Pews and Empty
Altars" and "The Death of Priesthood." Yet today the number of
priestly ordinations is steadily increasing.
Some seminaries now, which were so rocked
by progressive, liberal Catholicism as it invaded the Church, which saw their
numbers drop to practically nothing, are now having to turn away men as there
is now a real distinction between those things which are beautiful and true,
which attract men and women to give up their lives for Jesus Christ and his
Church, and that which exist in our culture today.
And I say all this not to worry the flock,
but bring excitement and strength to many who have seen our culture lose it’s
moral fiber, it’s identity of a good wholesome people, and now recognize that
goodness, beauty and truth will always have the last say. This is reflective of
what is happening right now in the young people of the Catholic Church. Her
numbers may be smaller, but she is getting holier, and Holiness breeds
holiness, where dissent does not.
Cardinal Francis George, the longtime
leader of the Chicago archdiocese, once gave a homily that startled the
faithful by pronouncing liberal Catholicism "an exhausted project . . .
parasitical on a substance that no longer exists." Declaring that
Catholics are at a "turning point" in the life of the church in this
country, the cardinal concluded that the bishops must stand as a "reality
check for the apostolic faith."
Such forthright defense of the faith and
doctrine stands in clear contrast to the emphasis of an earlier generation of
Catholic theologians and historians. Many boomer priests and scholars were
shaped by what they believed was an "unfulfilled promise" of Vatican
II to embrace modernity. Claiming that the only salvation for the church would
be to ordain women, remove the celibacy requirement and empower the laity, some
theologians have demanded that much of the teaching authority of the bishops
and priests be transferred to the laity.
This aging generation of progressives
continues to lobby church leaders to change Catholic teachings on reproductive
rights, same-sex marriage and women's ordination. But it is being replaced by
younger men and women who are attracted to the church because of the very
timelessness of its teachings.
They are attracted to the philosophy, the
art, the literature and the theology that make Catholicism countercultural.
They are drawn to the beauty of the liturgy and the church's commitment to the
dignity of the individual. They want to be contributors to that
commitment—alongside faithful and courageous bishops who ask them to make
In short, they are attracted not to social
issues, not to modernity, but to Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today
and forever. They are once again embracing this Truth, that I must decrease and
He must increase as proclaimed by John the Baptist and lived by the faithful in
every generation. It’s not about us, it’s always is and always will be about
Jesus Christ! And it starts right here in this Eucharist. The most important
thing that we do as humans in all of history is make present the sacrifice of Christ
in this sacred liturgy. Save the Liturgy save the world. A popular battle cry for
faithful Christians who recognize that Jesus is the way and the truth and the
life! That after the resurrection the disciples recognized him in the most
especially in the breaking of bread! So do we in the Holy Eucharist which we
will now turn our attention to and receive Jesus into our very bodies giving us
strength to be perfected by keeping his commands and persevering to the very
end in a world which wants nothing to do with him.
----Some of this homily was taken directly from an article found at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303772904577335290865863450.html?mod=googlenews_wsj#printMode